There are 2,820 Guitar Chord Diagrams for your reference. Chords are easily found by Chord Search and the Chord Finder.
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The advanced chord finder app for your iPhone. Find chords quicker and easier and on the go. Use it to learn, to teach, or to reference from. Learn more...
Chord Conquering is a detailed masterpiece!!! Never before have I seen a guitar program so detailed and easy to follow. Judd Younce has developed…
I have been looking for a program for some time to demonstrate to my students the principles of chord theory and to be able to identify the…
Chord Conquering has really increased my ability to recognize chords. I wasn't too bad about being in the power chord trap, I did know a lot…
Chord Conquering makes it easy to find the fingering positions for the most commonly used guitar chords, as well as many that you probably haven't…